Digital Marketing Innovation Study 2017

By TechKnowledge

The recent TechKnowledge Digital Innovation Survey yielded fascinating insights into how South African organisations are faring in the digital world. The survey, based on 375 responses, takes a deep dive into all things digital – from the perception of digital marketing within the organisation, the strategic points of focus and areas of investment to the obstacles marketeers are facing in this space.

The survey covered both companies that are involved in consulting in this space (agencies), as well as their customers (brands), and addresses topics such as digital innovation, strategic challenges, risks and key focus areas for 2017.

Medium sized companies are at an advantage when it comes to digital innovation, having both the agility of smaller companies to change rapidly, and the scale that larger companies enjoy.

In our first article we saw that while brands are focused on innovation in digital marketing, most of them feel they are still at the early stages in the maturity lifecycle. In this article we look at the main strategic focus areas and challenges that brands will face in 2017.

In our third article in the series, we look at the most influential digital marketing channels for 2017, which social media channels are currently being used, and to what extent organizations have formal digital marketing strategies for social, mobile and content.

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